Cia Rinne (Gothenburg, Sweden 1973) is a poet and artist based in Berlin. She writes minimal, visual and acoustic poetry in different languages, and collaborates on performances and sound installations. Her publications include the books zaroum (Helsinki 2001), notes for soloists (OEI Editör 2009), both published in France with Le clou dans le fer (zaroum et notes pour solistes, 2011) and as UBU Editions, as well as the sound piece sounds for soloists (in collaboration with Sebastian Eskildsen, 2012) and should we blind ourselves and leave thebes (H//O//F, Moss 2013). Works of hers have been shown a.o. at Signal Malmö, the Turku Biennial, the Grimmuseum Berlin, Den Frie and Overgaden in Copenhagen, at INCA Seattle, the Kumu Art Museum in Tallinn where her installation the letter i see was awarded. She has also collaborated on documentary projects with photographer Joakim Eskildsen, their latest common publication being The Roma Journeys (Steidl 2007). Her new book including the recent series l’usage du mot will be published by kookbooks (Berlin) in 2016.


notes for soloists & l’usage du mot

notes for soloists ja l’usage du mot ovat visuaalisten ja konkreettisten runouden sarjoja esitettynä pääsääntöisesti englanniksi, saksaksi ja ranskaksi. Lyhyet esitykset saivat alkunsa syvästä epäluulosta kieltä ja sen käyttöä kohtaan. Ne tutkivat kielen juurakkoa ja sen pienimpiä osia, leikkien äänteellisten yhtäläisyyksien sekä merkitysten, visuaalisuuden ja äänen muutosten kanssa. Minimalistiset teokset ovat tyhjyyteen tähtäävän redusoinnin tulos, ja ne toimivat musiikkina koko performanssille.

notes for soloists and l’usage du mot are series of visual and concrete poetry composed mainly in English, German, and French. Instigated by a deep mistrust in language and its use, the short pieces examine the smallest parts of language and its rhizome, palying with phonetic similarities and shifts in meaning, visuality and sound. The mnimalist pieces are the result of a reducing towards nothing, and serve as scores for the performance.

Performance, 20 min

Kiasma Theatre, 2:45am